About Us
"Families United in Prayer"
Founded by Venerable Fr. Patrick Peyton over 70 years, the Holy Cross Family Ministries supports and fosters prayer, peace and unity within the family.
In Canada, the Holy Cross Family Ministries is committed to strengthening Canadian Catholic families through active ministry and prayer, with a special devotion to the Rosary. We believe in providing educational resources that will help families grow united in prayer.

Healing Circle:
Seniors – Faith
Fridays: 6 p.m.
Adoration & Mass
1st Saturdays: 6 pm
Healing Service and Prayer Group Meeting
4th Sundays: 3 pm
Prayer and Rosary Making Sessions.
“Go to St. Joseph, He will heal you”
(St. Br. André Bessette, CSC)
Born in Quebec in 1845. Joined Holy Cross in 1870.
Known as the “Miracle Man of Montreal.”
Founded the Oratory of St. Joseph on Mount Royal, in Montreal.
Canonized on October 17, 2010.

Learning Circle:
Youth – Hope
Saturdays & Sundays
7:00 p.m.
We welcome Youth of Toronto especially the immigrant students for Spiritual Direction and Discernment Program.
Call us at 416 466 2127
or email us at:
“Educating Hearts & Minds”
(Blessed Basil Moreau, CSC)
Founder of the Congregation of Holy Cross.
Established the Brothers of St. Joseph (1820), Holy Cross Fathers (1835) and Sisters of Holy Cross (1841).
Beatified on September 15, 2007.

Praying Circle
Mondays and Tuesdays
Call to make appointment for spiritual direction, confession and Grief Ministry.
Phone: 416 466 2127 or
email us at: familyministry.canada@gmail.com
“A world at prayer is a world at peace.”
(Venerable Patrick Peyton, CSC)
Born in Ireland in 1909.
Ordained priest in 1941.
Known as the Rosary Priest.
Founded Holy Cross Family Ministries and Family Theatre.
Proclaimed Venerable on Dec 18, 2017 by Pope Francis.